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IPC Credentials Provider Component Installation

This Greengrass component serves the purpose of passing Greengrass environment variables though a UNIX socket for usage with the ESF AWS Greengrass IPC Cloud Endpoint. Only clients with username esfd of group esfd are allowed to connect.


Setup Greengrass on your device, refer to AWS IoT Greengrass Installation guide for instructions.

For convenience, export the Greengrass CLI binaries in PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/aws/greengrass/v2/bin/

Copy the com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider directory into a known location, for example:

mkdir /home/pi/gg-components
cp com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider /home/pi/gg-components

Component management

Action Command
Add greengrass-cli deployment create --recipeDir /home/pi/gg-components/com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider/recipes/ --artifactDir /home/pi/gg-components/com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider/artifacts/ --merge "com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider=1.0.0"
Remove greengrass-cli deployment create --remove="com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider"
List greengrass-cli component list
Restart greengrass-cli component restart --names "com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider"

Components logs are located on a separate file in /opt/aws/greengrass/v2/logs/:

cat /opt/aws/greengrass/v2/logs/com.eurotech.ipc.credentials.provider.log

Required Greengrass Components

After re-installing Greengrass on a device, you might need to redeploy the CLI component if no executable is found in /opt/aws/greengrass/v2/bin.

To install the CLI component:

  1. Login the AWS console and create a new deployment.
  2. Fill the form to select your device, and in the "Public components" section select the desired components.
  3. Leave everything as default and deploy.

Required components:

  • aws.greengrass.Cli
  • aws.greengrass.ShadowManager