ESF BACnet Driver usage
As presented in the Introduction to Drivers and Assets, an Asset is a logical representation of a field device. The asset is described as a set of channels that represents the data to be retrieved by the remote device. The channels in the ESF BACNet Driver are configured by the following options:
- enabled: enable/disable the channel.
- name: a friendly name for the channel.
- type: type of operation to be performed. READ, WRITE and READ-WRITE are the available options.
- value.type: the Java types a data have to be converted. Some BACNet types cannot be converted to all Java types. Please see this section.
- listen: enable a listener for this channel.
- remote.device: the instance number of the remote device.
- object.type: the type of the object on the remote device.
- object.instance: the instance number of the remote object.
- property: the name of the property on the remote object.
- cov.increment: set the minimum change-of-value that triggers a listener.