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The Can driver is configurable component that allows communication with devices that comply with the Can/CanFD protocol. The component is based on the JavaCAN library that can be found on github, which is a java wrap of the LinuxCAN c++ library.

The driver allows to read received messages, but also to write and send them to the can bus. The component can be bound to a can interface running on the underlying os, to monitor the traffic on the can bus or to send some frames: you can choose which type of messages you want to receive/send.

The Can driver offers different types of can implementation, such as the standard or FD Can protocols, the CAN2.0A or CAN2.0B ones, and the endianess of the payload. Each channel of the driver asset can be configured to monitor an exact variable of the Can Frame, choosing the Can ID, the start/end bit position, the datatype and so on.

The Can Driver is available for three architecture:

  • aarch64
  • armv7
  • x86_64