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Channel Configuration

Version: 1.0.0

The following properties are configurable:

  • name: the channel name.
  • type: the channel type, (only READ is available for this protocol).
  • value.type: the Java type of the channel value.
  • dataset.address: address of the data set to be read.
  • dataset.field: the type of metric to be read from the data set (JSON, VALUE, UNIT).
  • dataset.index: used to point to data sets without an address, following a data set with an address.

Measured values are sent in block from the meter device through a Data Message. Such message consists of more Data Sets containing each a single measurement, composed by a value (optional), measurement unit (optional) and an address (optional).

Example of a data block:

This data block consists of three data sets. The first one is addressed by 0.0.0. The second by 0.0.1. The protocol then allows for data sets without an address (to save exchanged data) that may be correlated with the previous ones. In this case, the data set containing the value 01-01-2020 is mapped by the driver along with the previous address 0.0.1, therefore can be accessed by specifying in the channel the address 0.0.1, but a dataset.index of 1 instead of 0.

Through the dataset.field can be specified what the output of a channel will be. - If VALUE, the channel will return the value of the addressed data set (such as 123 in the example). - If UNIT, the channel will return the unit of the addressed data set (such as mV in the example). - If JSON, both value and unit will be wrapped in an object and returned as a JSON string. Therefore, in this case, the channel can only be configured with a value.type STRING to be functioning.