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Security configurations

Redis CloudConnector supports different authentication methods and has the support for TLS connection.

TLS Connection

In order to use the TLS connection, the scheme rediss:// must be used in the Server URIs.


If TLS is used in Cluster mode every URI MUST use rediss:// scheme.

Use of the TLS connection requires that the server's CA certificate be present in the selected Keystore.

Connection methods

Redis CloudConnector supports three different authentication method: * No authentication * Username and Password * TLS

No authentication

The server dont' use any kind of authentication (this is highly discouraged)

Username and Password

Use of this authentication method requires filling in the Authentication Username and Authentication password fields. This is the default authentication method.


Use of the TLS authentication is possible only with the TLS connection and requires the server's CA certificate and a client keypair stored with the alias redis-client-key in the selected Keystore.