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Router error codes

Hex Dec HRESULT Name Description
0x500 1280 0x98110500 ROUTERERR_NOLOCKEDMEMORY Locked memory cannot be allocated
0x501 1281 0x98110501 ROUTERERR_RESIZEMEMORY The router memory size could not be changed
0x502 1282 0x98110502 ROUTERERR_MAILBOXFULL The mailbox has reached the maximum number of possible messages
0x503 1283 0x98110503 ROUTERERR_DEBUGBOXFULL The Debug mailbox has reached the maximum number of possible messages
0x504 1284 0x98110504 ROUTERERR_UNKNOWNPORTTYPE The port type is unknown
0x505 1285 0x98110505 ROUTERERR_NOTINITIALIZED The router is not initialized
0x506 1286 0x98110506 ROUTERERR_PORTALREADYINUSE The port number is already assigned
0x507 1287 0x98110507 ROUTERERR_NOTREGISTERED The port is not registered
0x508 1288 0x98110508 ROUTERERR_NOMOREQUEUES The maximum number of ports has been reached
0x509 1289 0x98110509 ROUTERERR_INVALIDPORT The port is invalid
0x50A 1290 0x9811050A ROUTERERR_NOTACTIVATED The router is not active
0x50B 1291 0x9811050B ROUTERERR_FRAGMENTBOXFULL The mailbox has reached the maximum number for fragmented messages
0x50C 1292 0x9811050C ROUTERERR_FRAGMENTTIMEOUT A fragment timeout has occurred
0x50D 1293 0x9811050D ROUTERERR_TOBEREMOVED The port is removed