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RTime error codes

Hex Dec HRESULT Name Description
0x1000 4096 0x98111000 RTERR_INTERNAL Internal error in the real-time system
0x1001 4097 0x98111001 RTERR_BADTIMERPERIODS Timer value is not valid
0x1002 4098 0x98111002 RTERR_INVALIDTASKPTR Task pointer has the invalid value 0 (zero)
0x1003 4099 0x98111003 RTERR_INVALIDSTACKPTR Stack pointer has the invalid value 0 (zero)
0x1004 4100 0x98111004 RTERR_PRIOEXISTS The request task priority is already assigned
0x1005 4101 0x98111005 RTERR_NOMORETCB No free TCB (Task Control Block) available. The maximum number of TCBs is 64
0x1006 4102 0x98111006 RTERR_NOMORESEMAS No free semaphores available. The maximum number of semaphores is 64
0x1007 4103 0x98111007
0x100D 4109 0x9811100D RTERR_EXTIRQALREADYDEF An external synchronization interrupt is already applied
0x100E 4110 0x9811100E RTERR_EXTIRQNOTDEF No external sync interrupt applied
0x100F 4111 0x9811100F RTERR_EXTIRQINSTALLFAILED Application of the external synchronization interrupt has failed
0x1010 4112 0x98111010 RTERR_IRQLNOTLESSOREQUAL Call of a service function in the wrong context
0x1018 4120 0x98111018 RTERR_VMXDISABLED Intel VT-x extension is not enabled in the BIOS
0x1019 4121 0x98111019 RTERR_VMXCONTROLSMISSING Missing function in Intel VT-x extension
0x101A 4122 0x9811101A RTERR_VMXENABLEFAILS Activation of Intel VT-x fails